over at my new spot!
oh yes... i have a new blog home...
and i am as happy as a clam... on the best beach... on a warm sunny day!
come say hi...
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
guest room is ready
my mama is on a plane right now... heading straight for our home!
i'm telling ya... no matter how old we get... we are STILL their babies!
being around family... spending time... even if it's just sitting & chatting...
is hands down... the best thing in life... the bEsT!
i am looking forward to lots of chatting... lots of good stuff! :)
and speaking of happiness...
i have fun changes coming to my blog soon... !
i wish you could see the smile on my face... it's BiG!
cheers to a hAppY tHuRsdAy...
may it be jam packed full of happy things!
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
oh the options
having fun with light & shadows!
isn't it nuts all the adjustments you can make in photography these days!
there are SO many fun "looks"... "feels"... you can give to a pic by just tweaking a tidge!
and then it's always interesting to see how OTHERS see the same pic!
i find that when i focus on just ONE at ONCE... each one is fun... just in it's own unique way!
curious... do you favor for one over the other... just the feel of it...
btw... there is one that has been left "un-tweaked" too... any guesses which one?
here's to a terrific Tuesday...
and embracing all of it's unique opportunities!
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
copy cat
you reach... she'll REACH!
you run ... she'll RUN!
you dance... she'll DANCE!
you stretch... she'll STRETCH!
you stand tall... she'll STAND TALL!
you go for it... SO WILL SHE!
she may be your SHADOW but... she lives within you...
and is always there to show how FUN you ARE... how MIGHTY... how BIG... how STRONG!
as she follows you... you'll see...
she'll show you just how wonderful you ARE!
we are SO enjoying the GORGEOUS weather!
believe it or not... on Saturday we woke up to SNOW... then bright bold sunshine on Sunday!
all i know... i want to grab Spring by the horns & RIDE!
with flip flops ON...
oh WAIT... i need a pedi BAD!
is Spring peeking out where you are too?
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
years of pure bliss!
ha ha ha ha...
okay... SERIOUSLY... can we be honest here!
marriage is one of hardest thing we have ever done!
i guess that is to be expected when you are COMPLETE opposites from one another!
if you were to write out on a piece of paper our traits...
it would look "mathematically"... not EVEN possible... no way... no how!
those of you that know us... can attest to that! :)
a choice... commitment... to stick together through thick & thin!
we have had a lot of thin... very thin... thin ICE!
and there have been times as though i thought we would fall right through that ice!
i think when you bring two people together... AND their histories...
a new foundation sometimes has to be built.
at least for us... this has shown to be true...
because somewhere along the way our personal foundations formed a few cracks.
the really GREAT thing... as we rebuild our foundations...
we are not only becoming stronger within ourselves but... stronger as a TEAM!
we know our team needs more coaching... but we are both IN IT... to WIN it!
i am SO thankful that i have a man that lOVES me...
and is WILLING to do what ever it takes to make our lives beautiful TOGETHER!
he is a hard-working... smart as ALL get out...
always striving for the next level... well respected... funny... awesome MAN and FATHER!
so to him i say...
hAppY AnniVeRsAry!
i love you
look forward to what the NEXT eleven years bring!
he always gives me tulips on this day...
they are what i carried on our wedding day... my FAVORITE flower for sure!
the girlies dressed "us" special for the day... don't we look lovely! :)
they even made us cards!
so tonight... we'll be toasting with a REALLY nice bottle of red wine...
and reminiscing about the last eleven years... like when he had hair & i had a waist!
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
come on in...
we're expecting much lower temps... even snow... oh yes...
so while the sun is showing her face & spreading her warmth...
we're saying "come on in"...
show us all your goodness!
wishing you a hAppY FrIdAy...
and hoping there is LOTS of goodness in your day too!
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
it's a doozy
holding on... hanging in there... DECIDING to make the most of the the day!
like Gretel... our dog... she just goes with the flow & stays a happy camper always!
looking for... counting on a doozy of a day!
and of course wishing you the same!
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox