sitting pretty
glanced over from across the room and saw these little feet...
they caught my eye as they dangled there...
just fresh & free as can be...
so tiny... so young... my goodness... the places these feet will go...
the things they will do!
what a GIFT... what a BLESSING... those little feet!
and yes... those ARE cheerios still on the floor from this morning!
oh well... :)
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
we're ready
to watch a little American Idol... oh yes we are!
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
i put my boots on for this...
i have no right to SULK!
WORRY is the devil trying take control!
when i DOUBT... i let the INSECURITY in!
facing my FEAR will allow me to grow!
i am stomping... trampling... squashing...
it ALL out!
i may not KNOW the path my boots should be walking down...
but that's OKAY...
it's the GOING DOWN THAT PATH that is the important thing!
no... i did not wake up miraculously this morning with all the answers...
ewwww... wouldn't that be fun...
i am simply not going to let all of that junk IN!
if i let it in... there will be no room for all the good stuff!
so... with all that junk under foot... i am stepping it up & shaking it off!
what do ya say...
shall we all throw on some boots... kick up our heels and dance our way to the party!
the party of life is rocking...
and i think i'd rather dance than sit this one out!
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
for the girlies... pancakes for mommy... eggs for daddy!
we all had different cravings this morning!
after eating the pancakes... i thought to myself... "ugh i should've had eggs"!
i am curious today about something...
something that tends to roll around every so often for me.
usually tends to be when i feel overwhelmed... weary... or just plain confused.
do you ever wonder if you are on the RIGHT path?
doing what you SHOULD be doing?
there are times when i feel like i am flying by the seat of my pants.
i kind of get FROZEN!
there are SO many things... DIFFERENT things that need attention.
i get to where i don't even know WHERE in the world to start...
"JUST STARTING"... can seem too much...
between it all... sometimes it feels like something's got to give...
WHAT is that something?
being a freak of an A TYPE person... i don't want to let ANYTHING go!
when things get this way... off kilter... i feel like maybe there is a REASON...
maybe there IS too much on my plate.
so much passion INSIDE... wanting to get out... but it gets SQUASHED...
squashed by important AND unimportant things.
is this a sign... is HE trying to tell me something?
or is this normal hubbub?
you wonder...
do other people feel this way too?
do you EVER feel like you have too much enchilada on your plate?
do you find your head spins ALL THE WAY AROUND sometimes?
do you think you are on the RIGHT... meandering it can be... path?
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
the butte...
What a time we had in Crested Butte!
As i sit here this morning... i find myself shaking my head...
in awe...
this was the GOOD STUFF...
sorta like a cream filled donut...
sure it was GREAT to be in a beautiful mountain home... oh how it was...
but the STUFF in the middle...
the FRIENDS... the LAUGHS... the TIME...
made it taste SO great!
out of the vehicles... straight to the snow
up up up and away...
all geared up & ready to hit the slopes...
this would be us... the gals
taking a bit of a rest... after a tough day in ski school
brown eyed blessing
big sis after her day in ski school...
shopping anyone...
giggly little girlies
bench of blades
all the girls made a really neat ice castle
we played lots of cards
watch me mommy... watch my mommy
did you see ME?
oh yeah... i skied a bunch mommy... all by MYSELF
i just love this pic of queenie and her braids
yippee... time to loosen those bindings
smore kits from the outdoor bar
getting her marshmallow all nice & toasty
perfect... mmmmm
i better warm my toes while hubby fetches my boots
the guys...
the snow was like fluffy cotton candy
ready... set... go...
right before we got going too fast and went right of the edge... a BIG drop off
do we have to go?
The last morning of our trip had arrived... yuck...
i wanted to throw myself around their ankles... and throw a good old fashion FIT...
screaming at all... make them stay... stretch out the fun as long as i could!
Like Campbell said on the way to school this morning...
"that was such a fun trip"...
"sure wish we didn't have to go on a trip just to see them"...
"i miss them"!
I wish that too!
Thanks Floyds for such a "GOOD STUFF" time!
Now... i've got tweaks all around to tend to...
tweaks to the shop... the blog... the house... oh my!
orders to send...
bags to unpack...
laundry to tackle...
treats to create!
And it's FRIDAY... don't ya just love that!
Here's to a fancy one... the FANCY FREE kind... :)!
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox
since this fox gal will be out for a few days
i thought i'd leave you with a little this & that from around our den!
Posted by
carissa... brown eyed fox