
I'm all smiles

Do you see the smile on my face!

Okay so . . .

my house is a complete disaster zone!

we don't even have bread or milk in the house... meaning i have to go to the grocery store... one of the things i dread most!

i, once again, have loads & loads of laundry to do... how does it get so bad!

glorious "mother nature" is here for the week!

if i don't do some kind of exercise my butt might fuse to the back of my legs!

However . . .

i DO love my little home even though it is a disaster

i have at least STARTED a load of laundry

with "mother nature" here this week at least i'll be left alone (oh... did i just say that)!

there's always my cute smile right?

AND (the best news) . . .

i was mentioned at "cuteable"! A really fun site that features cute & fun finds. You should take a peek! Three cheers for the "brown eyed fox"!!! So fun!

Have a smiling fancy day! News & update at the shop tomorrow!

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