if we SCARE it out... it will FREEZE to death...
if we LEAVE in alone... it will POOP all over our garage!
we JUST found this young cat in our garage!
uh... excuse me kitty... you sure are cute BUT... where do you belong?
thank goodness a neighbor had cat food... we left it alone... it devoured the food in minutes!
HOW do you get a cat out?
WHAT do you do... really?
i suppose we will have to call "someone" in the morning!
anyone interested in a cat?
Can't seem to find who it belongs to... hmmmmm
sitting here perplexed this evening!
Well... we were finally able to catch this little gal!
Called ALL OVER the place... humane society... animal control... a cat sanctuary...
my hubby even went to the shelter...
we learned something new...
"there is no leash law for cats... they are free to roam"!
I can't imagine a cat on a leash for one thing and the other thing...
no wonder we keep finding bird feathers amongst the trees next to our house...
all those free roaming cats!
They urged me to let her go... told me cats are very adaptable &
that she would either find her way back home or would come back to us.
If she came back to us... and we fed her... kept her for 10 days... making us the rightful owner...
THEN they would take her!
So... we did what the "officials" told us to do!
I feel confident that she is in her warm & cozy home right now!
Keep it, i think it's bigger then your dog, so maybe not & no Lanny doesn't want a cat! hope you find where it belongs, sure is a cutie... have a great week-end and keep us posted won't you!
LovE yA :)
what a cutie, this is so funny, this happened to us!!! For over 2 weeks, my kids even named it "Honey Sprinkles". It stayed by my back door!! I had to feed it cause I can't let it starve, called animal control...the guy was useless... no kidding, he walked toward the cat, the cat ran from him, he turned to me and said i think it went into your woods! Well no du! mister...if you were coming near me so would I!! anyway, hubby happened to tell someone at work who called his wife and they were in the market for a cat! they came and got her! Turns out she was spayed, declawed and the perfet cat and we visit her often!
P.s. I forgot to ask what size are your shoes from your post yesterday cause I want them!!hee hee they are too cute
awww. poor kitty. maybe it's chipped. your local humane society or vet can scan it for you if it is.
send it here. we've been wanting another kitty cat.
Aaaww, such a cute kitty!!
If you feed it, it will stay. Just a lil FYI. But you can't let it starve, either.
Hope you work it out!!
What a cute kitty! I (I mean my husband)would actually have to get it out of the garage and somewhere far far away. Me and my baby are really, terribly allergic to cat dander. It sounds horrible, but we will be having asthma problems like nothing esle. So I would have to get the cat out of the garage. Keep us updated!
Hey Carissa..
What a cute kitty...i do know it is a girl cause all calico's are female.
Good luck! I would take her if you were close!!
Have a lovley weekend!
Well, it is a very cute cat!!
Welp, looks like you've got yourself a cat. Why? Because like any decent person....you fed it! you have a great heart for caring for that little stray cutey.....and now you have a great cat! Seriously, you could call the SPCA or one of the humane no-kill shelters. They will know what to do. Good luck!
How precious!
Keep us posted!
I NEVER would have been able to do it, but you did the right thing. I would have begged my husband to keep her.
I hope she's snuggled up to her owner watching the Golden Globes right now.
oh, she's precious! hopefully she's safe and warm with her family now!
oh, she's precious! hopefully she's safe and warm with her family now!
oh, she's precious! hopefully she's safe and warm with her family now!
Cats are good like they. They know what they need to do and they get it done. Cute, though...
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