
studio friday... MORE

I'm joining in again this week at Studio Friday :

They say don't ever look back nor dwell on things for too long, one is supposed to instead just move on, eyes straight ahead focused on one's goal.
BUT. . . here's the but. . . while it is certainly true to not look back and dwell on the negative events it is one of the best things one can do, to look back. . . but on the positive things and see how far you have come!!! by
Jamie Smart:

"The people who are happy and fulfilled measure their progress by comparing where they are against where they’ve come from. The people who are stressed and dissatisfied measure progress by comparing where they are against their ideals. Just think about that for a moment. The happy, fulfilled people look at how far they’ve come.The unhappy, dissatisfied people look at how far they have to go to reach an ideal. "

So yes, big A-HA moment... let's do exactly this and take a look at what you started out with on your creative endeavor and all those magnificent things you have accomplished since then. I am sure you are in for a surprise and it will inspire you in a new way altogether.

This is an interesting topic for me this week! I tend to think of myself as a "half-full" kind of gal! I believe in all good things... all the possibilities... I like to to dream BIG! I do think I have come a long way in my creative growth... BUT... here is my BUT... I always want MORE! To do more... accomplish more... create more... develop more... learn more... be more!

So... for me... I need to look back at all I have become & done and be okay with not needing MORE! Just BE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes!!!!! Sounds like an excellent plan!! I had to do the same thing actually and it feels soooo great!!
Great fun collage you made, too.