
nag... nag... nag


now listen here...
you WILL smile...  
you will have a hAppY Friday!

here's to a FEISTY... FULL of GUSTO... be BOLD... kind of day!



Anonymous said...

First Lady wants to know WHERE you bought the adorable couple?

Gini said...

very, very funny carissa. i almost choked on my toast.

Dancing Queen said...

love it!!

happy friday & weekend!!!

Krista said...

hahahahaha......too cute.

Christine said...

haha... that was too cute and funny!! Happy Friday to you too!!

Lots of love and hugs too!

Lulu and Co. said...

Perfect.. for me today! LOL Everything I am trying to attempt is coming up empty! I was getting grumpy. took a break to visit blogs instead of eat lunch... so happy I did! I got a good laugh and smile ... all better!
Happy Friday to you and your family,

Brittany said...


Simply Me... said...

Okay that's cute! Hmmm I wonder why he's not smiling? If he live's with you, he should have a big o' smile LOL...

Check you e-mail...
big hugs!

Anonymous said...

Love that little couple... have you broke out your Santa smokers yet? I need to go get some new incense for mine. :)

Honorary Indian said...




i don't wanna count how many times i've looked like that old lady...they don't call me the "boss" for nothin'....

would be honored for you to do the "you-know-whats" but i insist on paying for them...

you brighten all of our days!!


Megan said...

Those are too cute! Seriously, if you ever decide to just move out of your house..don't worry, i'll move in. You have the best style for decorating i've ever seen!!

Beth said...

Thanks for a laugh tonight......I needed it! Have a Happy weekend!

Valley Girl said...

uMMMMMMMMMhu!! That's what I'm saying sister friend.

P.S. It was 55 degrees here today in Austin.....LOVED IT!!!!!!

hdbl said...

Read the Laundresses blog and her comments. On this early Saturday morning said a little prayer for you. hoping you're well and sending good thoughts.