
in walked daddy...

I was LOST last night... watching the ever ultimate LOST... when in walks my husband! Todd was supposed to be in... uhh... in... uhhh... that's really bad... maybe Salt Lake... I'm not certain... crazy. ANYWAY... he surprised us! We weren't expecting him until tonight. The girls squealed in sheer delight! Daddy's home... daddy's home!

He came with treats for his little ladies. My favorite thing... the tulips! For those of you that know Todd... know he is very talented at MANY things... gift buying is NOT one of them! God love him! OMGoodness... he can pick out some doozies! Some real "what was he thinking" kind of things. I know I sound so ungrateful... I'm really not... we just both have our weaknesses this is just one of his! It would take me a LONG time to list all of mine. I do LOVE the fact that he remembers tulips... I carried ivory tulips when we were married. Fresh tulips always bring a smile! Thanks hon!

(The framed picture in the background is a drawing of the Presidio La Bahia where we were married.)

It's Fridaaaaaay... does that make you happy? Time to breathe a sigh of relief & soak in some relaxation! Cheers to you!


melissa ellen parker said...

That is so exciting! What a trickster. Tulips are my absolute favorite flowers! Those are so beautiful! Have a great weekend!


(I placed an order over at BEF, I'm so EXCITED!)

Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart.

meg duerksen said...

ahhhhh...tulips? that is so sweet.

Kim -today's creative blog said...

just stopped in to see what you were up to now. I always enjoy my visit. I need to add you to my links on my personal blog.

On the gifts.....I had a boyfriend in college that was horrible at gifts! He actually gave me a coffee mug warmer, wool socks and a cooler for college graduation. His mom gave me underware. That should have been my first warning. Then 5yr later he gave me a red coffee maker. Cute, but I didn't drink coffee.